Monday, April 26, 2004

Good Ol' Days

Some regulations governing the operation of aircraft in the early 1920's included the following:

1. Don't take the machine into the air unless you are satisfied it will fly.

2. Pilots should carry hankies in a handy position to wipe off goggles.

3. In case the engine fails on take-off, land straight ahead regardless of obstacles.

4. No machine must taxi faster than man can walk.

5. Do not trust altitude instruments.

6. Pilots will not wear spurs while flying.

7. If you see another machine near you, get out of its way.

8. If an emergency occurs while flying, land as soon as possible.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Outsourcing? Forgetaboutit

If you want anything done right, do it yourself. That is the lesson I am quickly learning.

The exhaust system on Volksjager, my trusty 14 year old VW Jetta has been leaking from a hole in the resonator for quite some time. Since I had no money for quite a while, it was necessary to put it off permanent repairs and resort to putty and muffler tape. However the State of PA doesn't think very highly of such band-aids so I knew I had to get it replaced by the end of April when my inspection ran out.

I hate working on exhaust systems. I do not relish the thought of working above my head trying to remove a dozen rusty bolts. It is inevitable that they will simply snap in two and shower down cascades of rusty particles that know just how to get around safety glasses and into my eyes. I don't have a lift, air compressor, or an oxy-acetylene torch. It would take me most of the day just to drop out the old exhaust.

I ended up taking it to a Muffler shop recommended to me as being reasonable. I dropped it off on a Wednesday night and looked forward to picking up a quietly running Jager the next day. I arrived, gave it a quick look over and paid my bill. As I was turning to leave the office, technician mentioned, "Oh, the manifold is still leaking a bit, so it is going to still have the tick." I later noticed they had put several deep gouges in my my bumper. Granted, my car is one of the oldest ones still on the road, but that's just silly.

What did I pay for again. They replaced the resonator, muffler, and quite a bit of pipe, but they didn't solve the problem. Now I have to spend the first absolutely beautiful Saturday of the year under my car chasing down stray CO and picking pieces of metal out of my eyes.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Music File

Every time someone asks me what type of music I listen to I just look at them and chuckle. My music collection is so incredibly random It ranges from Dylan to Smashing Pumpkins, Dido to Ozzy, Sonatra to Chopin, with a bit of Muddy Waters and John Lee Hooker mixed in for good measure. It really depends what mood I'm in.

My CD of the week has been Nickel Creek. I saw them in concert a couple of weeks ago and was blown away. It was the best concert I have been to in years. Their bluegrass style with a "New Nashville" edge is refreshing different. I didn't know most of the songs when I went, but it didn't keep me from enjoying all they played. The opening band cancelled so they extended their oncore to five or six more songs. Then they went unplugged. They managed to give an auditorium of 2000 people an intimate performance that was nothing short of amazing. They are on tour. Definitely go when they come to town.
Posting Away

Blogger has been eating my blogs and I haven't had the patience to rewrite them. Between that and the nauseating routine of daily life there has been little to add to the page.

Monday, April 05, 2004

A Great day for Quotes

"I think the American people - I hope the American - I don't think, let me - I hope the American people trust me." -George W. Bush

Friday, April 02, 2004

Targeted Advertising?

I find it incredibly amusing to see what google decides to put on the banner at the top of my page. I'm not sure what kind of logic they use to select key words to link to, but i am sure a lukewarm bowl of tapioca pudding could beat it in a game of chess.
Gloomy Skies

I have finally proved it. After all those years of wondering, I can now know for sure. There is an end of the rainbow. I stumbled upon it yesterday during my rainy drive home from work. I sat there at watched as the colorful ribbons of light extended from the hood of my car up into the sky where they disappeared into the black curtains of gathering storm clouds. What a disappointment it was. No treasure awaited me, not even a hint of gold.

That's life. Nothing is quite as good as advertised. A thought crossed my mind recently. Perhaps the greatest danger in setting goals is not in failing to reach them, but rather in seeing them come to fruition and finding the success mockingly hollow.

If I could do it again I would make sure I chased a dream so lofty that there would be no chance for the misfortune of seeing it come true. It is an ugly feeling to look a dream in the face and seeing only ghostly wisps of something that once burned bright.

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Engineers Are Idiots...

At least those working for Learjet. I just spent the afternoon crammed upside down in the cockpit trying to insert 3 stinkin bolts that the goofballs decided needed to be nestled 6 inches up a blind crevice hidden by several overgrown wire bundles. And this was supposed to be their idea of a quick install method. I can't wait to do it all again tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

What’s This? A BLOG?

Here it is. The post that the faithful few have stopped waiting for. The craptop computer is finally back up and running. Kind of. After a month of suffering through fatal errors and the never-ending blue screens of death, it was time for some work. Since I am not as computer literate as a post college kid should be, it took me awhile to get all the formatting and reinstalling done. The interesting part of the whole thing was that, after a week or so of not turning the thing on, I didn’t really miss it any more. It did feel a little weird to actually read a book instead of the internet, but an occasional throwback to the good ol’ days is ok.

The Subtle Change of Tune has begun its melodies once again.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Now I've Seen It All

Tonight I was watching another "absolutely dreadful" episode of American Idol, which really has nothing to do with the rest of the story unless you want to insert your own irony, when my mom popped in a Gather video that was inherited from my Grandma. It apparently was a sing along, and there were a bunch of those traveling family bands backed up by a choir of baptist bigwigs on stage like Mark Lowry and the old lady with the giant wig of frizzy white hair and a fake pearl necklace. (No, not Nancy Reagon, the other one.) As I stood up to walk out of the room none other than Terry Bradshaw came strutting across the stage. What in the world was a hall of fame quaterback turned annoying TV football commentator doing with the Gathers? Singing of course. It wasn't even that bad, for a football player. Who'da thunk it.

Sunday, January 25, 2004

Blowing a Gasket

After making the final trip from Texas to Pennsylvania several weeks ago, my trusty Jetta decided it needed a break. On the way to church this morning I noticed the temperature gauge start to climb way above normal. Since I was only a mile from home, I decided to turn around and limp it back to my garage. It made it most of the way back before the water temperature idiot light started to blink at me, begging me to shut the engine down. Once in my driveway I popped the hood and found the expected steam and green slime oozing from the head gasket.

I spent the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon tearing apart my engine getting it ready for a new head gasket. Hopefully I will be able to pick it up tomorrow despite the expected snow storm that is supposed to sweep through the area overnight. On top of that, I need to find a way to get to work in the morning. I guess I'll be stealing my parent's car since they will probably have the day off. Lucky schoolteachers.

The Jetta is definitely starting to show its age. In addtion to the head gasket, it also needs four new tires, a power steering pump, several new exhaust components, new rear springs, (see previous posts), and something in the front suspension is now creating a terrible clunking noise everytime I transition from reverse to forward motion. I guess it may soon be time to part ways. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep it on life support. If only it had waited another couple of years.

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Nothing to Say

Having nothing to say, I leave it in the hands of the "experts."

But I also made it clear to [Vladimir Putin] that it's important to think beyond the old days of when we had the concept that if we blew each other up, the world would be safe." -George W. Bush, 2001

"For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three nonfatal shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It's just unacceptable. And we're going to do something about it. -George W. Bush, 2001

Taken from the George W. Bushisms Daily Calandar. Expect more gems to come as they are uncovered.

Saturday, January 17, 2004

By the Numbers

13 - Number of times driven either way between Longview TX and PA
1,350 - Mileage between the two points
17,550 - Estimated total miles driven on "The Trip" over the years
10 - Times I've driven pretty much straight through
2 - Record fewest number of stops
19 - Record fewest hours from start to finish

The Latest Experience:

10 - Broken down cars along the side of the road
2 - Number of those cars that looked older than mine
1.5 - Quarts of oil that needed to be added during the drive
39 - Gallons of gasoline my 1.8 cylinder engine drank along the way
4.5 million - estimated crankshaft revolutions (running at 3800 RPM)
2.5 - Estimated number of inches of travel left on my rear suspension after loading all my possesions
72 - Ounces of coffee consumed during the trip
18 - CD's enjoyed during the drive
1 - Trucks that ran of the road and almost flipped in front of me
1 - Times I thought I was going to die
0 - Times I ever want to drive that trip again

Friday, January 16, 2004

Saying Goodbye

The time came more quickly than I thought possible. After a whirlwind of last minute checkrides, graduation ceremonies and all that goes with them, Christmas break, and a week of doing nothing but fun back home in Longview I was suddenly stuck in a Starbuck's Cafe staring departure right in the face. By not initially setting a definite date I had thus far been able to avoid it in my mind. However, possible snow storms up north and upcoming job interviews forced the hand and it was time move on.

All in all I am ready and excited about the pending possibilities. I just wasn't looking forward to saying goodbye to my familiar life in Texas. Longview was my home for almost a fifth of my life and I never thought it would grow on me like it has. Good friends are a dangerous thing. They cause one to love places that have no reason to be enjoyed. Who would have thought places like the Waffle Shoppe, the king of "greasy spoon diners" and the worst coffee imaginable would be home to great memories of late night study sessions and eyebrow raising jelly poker games. I would have never guessed that Fast Freddy's, the run down, smoke filled pool hall that it is, would conjure memories of trying to impress a girl with my nonexistent pool skills (it worked for a while) and later fun times with my other pool shark minnow friends. How about resorting to opening a tasty beverage with jumper cables in the parking lot of a certain Texas Stadium, a location that, as a diehard Eagles fan, equates to the inner circle of hell itself? Ingenuity does indeed set us apart.

This was actually the second "promised land" exodus. Four years ago I couldn't wait to shake the dust from my sandals as I fled up 259 vowing "never again" to that godforsaken place. This time I couldn't really swallow until well past Dangerfield. Last time I was ecstatic to be "Homeward Bound." This time when Simon and Garfunkel's song played on the radio I couldn't help but "wish I were homeward bound."

Friday, January 02, 2004

History Repeated

When the "Wright Experience" attempted to repeat history on the 17th of December, who would have thought they would have achieved so accurate a reenactment. Too bad it was the wrong one.