Saturday, March 20, 2004

Engineers Are Idiots...

At least those working for Learjet. I just spent the afternoon crammed upside down in the cockpit trying to insert 3 stinkin bolts that the goofballs decided needed to be nestled 6 inches up a blind crevice hidden by several overgrown wire bundles. And this was supposed to be their idea of a quick install method. I can't wait to do it all again tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

What’s This? A BLOG?

Here it is. The post that the faithful few have stopped waiting for. The craptop computer is finally back up and running. Kind of. After a month of suffering through fatal errors and the never-ending blue screens of death, it was time for some work. Since I am not as computer literate as a post college kid should be, it took me awhile to get all the formatting and reinstalling done. The interesting part of the whole thing was that, after a week or so of not turning the thing on, I didn’t really miss it any more. It did feel a little weird to actually read a book instead of the internet, but an occasional throwback to the good ol’ days is ok.

The Subtle Change of Tune has begun its melodies once again.